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Nagraj Shankar Shahanshah Buy Online

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

The story starts when two thieves steal the precious gem the Nagmani from the Naagdweep Island.

The island is famous for its willful serpants. They sell this Nagmani to the don of Mumbai city Shankar shahanshah.

It is now the responsibility of The Prince of Naagdweep Island to bring back the Mani to the island.

कुछ चोर मिलके चोरी कर लेते है नागमणि द्वीप से एक चमत्कारी मणि ।

और उसे बेच देते है मुंबई के एक डॉन शंकर शहंशाह के हाथ ।

वह मणि है नागद्वीप वासी सर्पो का प्राण कवच ।

उसे वापस लेन की जिम्मेदारी मिली नागराज को ।


Comic is in readable and collectable condition.

Comics cover is bit worn off.

Pages: 32

Condition: Used

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SKU: ACTNa422 Category: Tags: ,


In order to do so the Nagraj the prince of the island reaches Mumbai.

There he gets trapped by Shankar shahanshah and loses all his super power.

What happened next is something that you can know only after reading this exciting story.

You can either purchase this comic or can read it online.