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Billoo 4

Original price was: ₹430.00.Current price is: ₹300.00.

In 1973, cartoonist Pran was looking for a school going teenage boy who could feature in the comic strips. Thus he created a boy with a long hair covering his eyes and named him BILLOO. Swinging in and out of problems with sheer luck, is a boy named BILLOO, whose feats will take you to a merry-go-round of laughter, suspense and fun.

Comics is in readable and collectable condition.

Comics cover page is intact.

Comics is USED.


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SKU: ACTBi447 Category: Tags: ,


With a happy-go-lucky attitude, BILLOO walks into most funny situations like a night-walker, but always comes out a winner. Highly eventful life of this comic character will leave a perpetual smile on your face.

Additional information

Weight 36 g


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