Maut Ke Chehre Super Commando Dhruv - Raj Comics Buy Online
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Super Commando Dhruv Maut Ke Chehre


Raj Comics is a well-established brand in the comic industry.  And the best part of these comics are that they left you stunned and took you to another level of imagination.

‘Maut Ke Chehre’ is an outstanding story that gives a spectacular experience to the reader. The introduction of scientific studies and presence of aliens enhance its flavor.

Condition: Used

Cover of the book is intact but deteriorated. Comic is in readable and collectable condition.

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SKU: ACTSu217 Category: Tags: ,


As far as the story is concerned, it can be, basically, known that there is an Alien scientist whose name is Cyusarie and is wicked by nature. She gains control over the powers of nature and can easily regulate anyone’s mind and vision.

She does the same with Dhananjay and misled his mind by creating an imaginative atmosphere or hallucination.

Dhananjay is a progressive scientist and it’s unbelievable to see him getting confused or puzzled.

The mention of five elements of life (air, water, soil, fire and space) forming its composition is extraordinarily exclusive. The concept of the story is amazingly blended with fabulous artwork. It’s a treat for the adventure seeking personalities. 

Will Dhruv be able to beat Cyusarie in her own game? If, yes! Then, how will he do that? To know that order for this comic and do something productive in your leisure time. 

Additional information

Weight 36 g


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