Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are two of the most iconic and beloved characters in the Disney universe. Mickey Mouse is a cheerful and adventurous anthropomorphic mouse who first appeared in the short film “Steamboat Willie” in 1928. He is known for his high-pitched voice, oversized gloves, and signature red shorts with white buttons. Mickey is often accompanied by his girlfriend, Minnie Mouse, and his friends Goofy and Pluto.
Donald Duck, on the other hand, is a hot-headed and comedic anthropomorphic duck who first appeared in the short film “The Wise Little Hen” in 1934. He is known for his distinctive quacking voice, sailor shirt, and trademark sailor hat. Donald is often accompanied by his girlfriend Daisy Duck and his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Both characters have been featured in numerous Disney movies, TV shows, and merchandise, and have become cultural icons in their own right.
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