Buy Online | Mahabali Bhokal Series | Bhokal Bana Kankaal | Raj Comics
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Bhokal Bana Kankaal

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.

“Bhokal bana Kankal” is an interesting adventurous story with awesome fictional characters and feats.

And the most appreciable thing about these Comics published under Raj Comics are a perfectly balanced production of action, thrill, dialogues, ethnicity, magic, supernatural elements and many more beautifying factors. All these factors act as spices enhancing the charm of the story.

Comics is in readable and collectable condition.

Comics has no cover.

Comics pages are worn off.



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SKU: ACTBh398 Category: Tags: ,


The story starts with the Palace Hall (Raj Darbar) where a lot of people are present including the different ministers and Kingdom authorities. The queen is seated on her central chair and the Priest is standing in front of the queen. Srimali was petrified.

He says to the queen that he can sense something highly negative. This negative power will not only destroy him and his family, but will also have adverse impacts on the whole kingdom and eventually, the mankind too.

As soon as he says this, a black patch of air as if a storm, arrived with a blink of an eye and this black thing takes the shape of a demon.

This demon attacked the priest. However, this attack was stopped by Bhokal.

Why did this devil want to kill the priest and his family first?

\Who is that devil? To get the updates, read the whole comic.

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Weight36 g


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