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Bhokal Fansi Do Bhokal Ko Buy Online


Bhokal is one of the uncommon Indian superheroes whose accounts adventure in obscurity dream class.

The warrior of legends hails from the place where there are fairies (Parilok) and is renowned for ruthlessly destroying his rivals. The tales of this blade and shield-conveying warrior can be brimming with violence and are best perused by grownups.

This is a used comics.


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SKU: ACTBhoka823 Category: Tags: ,


Bhokal’s comics every now and again get harsh and rough and considering the way that a significant bit of per-users includes kids. Raj Comics made a substitute adjustment of the legend. Known as Pari Rakshak Bhokal.

This super hero exists in a comparative universe and has comparable powers. This is the second part of the comics Gudik, where a guy name Gudik comes to Vikas Nagar and gains the favour of the queen. He plots against Bhokal to kill him. Will he succeed in his plot. Find out of in this amazing comics of Bhokal.

Additional information

Weight36 g
Dimensions21 × 15.5 × 0.4 cm


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